The right people in the right roles will always be able to reach their full potential if they are organised in the right way. Would you like to start by breaking down and redefining the processes in your organisation in order to support the further development of your people?

Togehter with The Boathouse Consulting, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of services that strengthen the effectiveness of people in organisations.




Boards should be greater than the sum of their parts. We help to build boards that are high-performing teams that work together to reach the next level.

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Executive Impact

With our customised Executive Impact Assessment, we analyse how an individual will develop their impact in your business context.

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Digital Readiness

Digital transformation is about enabling people to use modern technologies so that business models are profitable. This requires specific skills, processes, working practices and management methods.

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Executive Onboarding

The start of a new executive should be seen as an opportunity for the company and utilised in the best possible way. We support you with a concrete and strategic plan to quickly and sustainably bring new top performers into effectiveness.

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Board Advisory

Supervisory and advisory boards have an important role to play, they should be able to identify, analyse and act on the challenges of digital change.

In this context, the development of a diversity strategy to promote diversity on the board in terms of cognitive diversity, gender, ethnic origin, expertise and experience is crucial. Constructive board work requires a certain amount of internal friction. This can only happen if the members are not too homogeneous, but rather cultivate the right degree of cognitive diversity.

After all, they are supposed to help the company successfully implement new strategies and initiate change processes.

  • Analysing and planning the composition of the board

    Skills analysis: Accurately assess the current board to identify potential gaps in skills, experience and diversity.
    Board renewal: Advising on the targeted rotation or renewal of board members to ensure a dynamic and high-performing board.

  • Effectiveness of the board

    Board Evaluations: Systematic assessment of the board’s overall performance and individual contributions of the members of the supervisory board.

  • Board education and development

    Exclusive training programmes: Organising bespoke workshops and training on key topics such as corporate governance, industry trends, innovation and regulatory changes.
    Continuous development: Providing learning opportunities to ensure that Board members are always up to date with their roles and responsibilities.

  • Succession planning for CEOs and executives

    Lead succession planning: Strategic development of succession plans to ensure that a pool of qualified candidates is always available to meet future needs.
    Expert support for leadership transitions: Guiding the board in the planning and implementation of CEO and executive successions, including the identification and evaluation of top candidates.
    Interim leadership solutions: Providing experienced interim leaders for seamless transitions during critical periods.

  • Digital advisory board

    In order to secure digital expertise at management level in a timely manner, it makes sense to set up a digital advisory board. The Digital Advisory Board can act as a sparring partner and advisor with valuable expertise and external perspective. A digital advisory board can provide comprehensive digital expertise and the cultural and technical transformation.

The digital transformation also requires a rethink in the HR department – an external perspective can be a great support during the transition period.

Sven Michel, Director

Executive Impact Assessment

We analyse which aspects of the person’s new role will be easy to achieve in the given context and which could be more challenging. You receive a basis for decision-making that clearly states where the organisation will immediately benefit from the person and where additional investments are required.

By analysing a person’s fit with the business context, you get a more valid basis for decision making to the questions: “How well does this person fit into context Y?” and “What impact can this person be expected to have?

The most common use case for an Executive Impact Assessment is an internal promotion process, however Executive Impact Assessments can create immediate added value in the case of a declining performance,  organisational changes, new appointments or hirings, succession planning, management audits or M&A processes.

Overview of services and process
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  • Context analysis

    In personal discussions on site, we gain a comprehensive understanding of the context in the company in which the person is to looking to add value. In doing so, we consider the specific role within the context of the corporate strategy and culture and take existing competency and value models into account.

  • Structured Assessment of Skills & Potential

    Our evaluation process is based on the Hogan Personality Assessment, which is evidence-based, validated, and scientifically grounded. We examine three key facets of personality: potentials, risks, and personal values. The unique aspect of the Hogan Personality Assessment is that it also captures how others perceive the person. Additionally, we use the People Test Logic, an advanced cognitive test, to create a detailed profile of logical competencies in eight different areas and to calculate the person’s intelligence quotient.

  • Business Case & 180° Analysis

    In a structured interview, we assess the person based on our competency model and using the results of the Hogan Personality Assessment and the People Test Logic to determine the fit for the role. The individual presents a business case developed specifically for the assessment, reflecting a current or future task or challenge. For the 180° analysis, we subsequently interview selected references to complete the validation of the results.

  • Investment Plan

    We scrutinize and evaluate specific examples, behaviors, and action points to assess future performance and create an Investment Plan. This plan clearly outlines the expected effects when the person assumes a particular role or responsibility and evaluates the anticipated impact. We identify immediate opportunities, chances, and business prospects triggered by the individual, as well as potential investment needs, challenges, and risks that both the person and the company should address and work on.

With the Executive Impact Assessment, we look into the future and answer the question “How good will person X be in context Y?”. This not only gives us a concrete outlook on the expected impact, but also on the necessary investments for the company.

Maria Bæk Andersen, Director

Digital Readiness Assessment

Key components of successful transformation are realistic and clearly defined goals that are both motivating and an understanding of the starting point for change. This requires a reliable map of the digital landscape within the organisation and the opportunities it presents.

Before defining the digital strategy and implementing measures, we consider a systematic, methodologically sound and business-friendly digital readiness check to be essential. This should be assessed for both the people in the organisation and the organisation itself.

Using an online-based questionnaire, we assess the existing skills and attitudes towards digital work practices and the daily routines in handling digital devices among employees.

We then create a qualitative analysis that examines aspects such as company (IT) systems, processes, strategy, work methods, culture, and leadership style. Both assessments are crucial and can be conducted independently or sequentially.

The resulting Digital Agenda, which identifies both risks and opportunities, will significantly enhance your organisation’s future resilience and execution capability.

The actual situation of digital potential in companies is often different from how the companies themselves assess it. Sometimes better, sometimes worse – usually multi-layered. Knowing where the opportunities and threats are in your own structure helps a lot with the digitalisation agenda.

Maren Freyberg, Management, Partner

Executive Onboarding

Success through tailored support in the first few months: Our onboarding programme for decision-makers helps you integrate new high-calibre employees into your organisation effectively and sustainably.

The first few months are crucial for the success of executives. That is why we offer comprehensive support for onboarding success through a strategic master plan and its active implementation, covering all phases of the new executive’s onboarding.

Active management of the induction process, where the business context, stakeholder environment, direct and indirect objectives, culture and politics are analysed in advance and transparently presented to the new person, dramatically increases the likelihood of success. Regular sparring and coaching during the first few months also allows executives to reflect freely in the new environment, enabling them to become effective more quickly.

We help both the candidate and the company embark on a future where all parties can quickly achieve more impact and remain successful in the long term.

Our working-day plan is tailored to your specific situation. Because you have made a strategic and critical personnel investment, whether remote onboarding or in-person, we support you with over 25 years of experience and many, many ‘first months’!

  • Preparation and Vision

    We provide all the relevant company data and work with the candidate to develop a well-founded but still external impression of the company and its potential from the new colleague’s perspective. This is then used as a regular reference point throughout the onboarding process, creating an ever stronger bond with the company and its existing legalities.

  • Context and Roles

    Together, we develop a personalized transition plan for the candidate, taking into account the influences of the company, family, and predecessor.

  • Contribution and Relationships

    We work together to define the most strategically relevant first projects. The candidate can then make his or her own contribution. By working together, we get to know them as a person and as a colleague, and build relationships quickly and substantively.

  • Communication

    We ensure a dialogue-oriented communication plan, both internally and externally, from the preparation phase through the initial projects to the provisional conclusion of the onboarding process.

Tobias Jung

A good start alone doesn’t win a race. But a bad start will almost certainly lose it.

Tobias Jung, Founder The Boathouse Consulting

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